Monday, August 24, 2020

Counseling Comprehensive Exam Counseling Comprehensive Exam Free Essays

Advising Comprehensive Exam Counseling Comprehensive Exam (Comp Exam) †¢ Required for all directing understudies (aside from the 30-hour Human Services degree program and School Counseling) †¢ Graduation necessity Prerequisites †¢ COUN 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, 510, 512, 521, 522, 667 †¢ Hold a 3. 0 GPA †¢ Good remaining in the program Two Part Exam †¢ CPCE †Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Exam †¢ Published by the CCE (Center for Credentialing Education, a subsidiary of the National Board of Certified Counselors) †¢ Integration †¢ Specific to Liberty University Passing the Comp Exam Must pass BOTH parts †¢ Passing Scores †¢ CPCE: 67 out of 136 (form 100112) †¢ Integration: 14 out of 20 Retaking the Comp Exam †¢ Passed one section, bombed one section †¢ Retake just the part you didn't pass †¢ Failed the two sections †¢ Retake the two sections. CPCE †8 Core Content Areas †¢ Human Grow th Development †¢ Social and Cultural Foundations †¢ Helping Relationships †¢ Group Work †¢ Career Lifestyle Development †¢ Appraisal †¢ Research and Program Evaluation †¢ Professional Orientation Ethics †¢ 160 Multiple-Choice Questions †¢ 17 Questions for each Content Area Integration †¢ We will compose a custom paper test on Advising Comprehensive Exam Counseling Comprehensive Exam or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now com/religious philosophy 202-study-manage 1/Combination of philosophy and brain research. In light of COUN 506 †¢ 20 Multiple-Choice Questions †¢ May be accessible on Blackboard by Spring 2013 Time Limit †¢ 4 Hours Test Fee †¢ COUN 670 as well as 671 will appear on ASIST †¢ $45 charge on understudy represent the CPCE, each time you register. †¢ $0 charge for the Integration Maximum Number of Attempts †¢ Students may take the COMP EXAM close to 3 TIMES. †¢ If incapable to go after 3 endeavors, you should move into the 30-hour Human Services degree program to accomplish your Master’s qualification. CPCE Study Tips †¢ No official examination manage †¢ Any investigation materials produced for the NCE (National Counselor Exam) †¢ http://www. bcc. organization/Exams/Study#NCE gives a rundown of study guides accessible for the NCE. †¢ Study Guide for the National Counselor Examination and CPCE [Spiral-Bound] by Andrew A. Hel wig CPCE Additional Study Tips †¢ †Liberty Counseling Comp Exam Facebook Study Group †¢ Encyclopedia of Counseling by Howard Rosenthal †¢ This reference is accessible as a digital book through Liberty’s Library and can be downloaded for 7 days. Coordination Study Tips McMinn, M. R. (1996). Brain research, religious philosophy, and otherworldliness in Christian guiding. Ditty Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers. ISBN: 0-8423-5252-X. Entwistle, D. N. (2004). Integrative ways to deal with brain science and Christianity. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers. ISBN: 1-59244-799-6. Mix Study Guide †on our page Exam Results †¢ You will be told by means of email in 2 a month Exam Dates †¢ Third Saturday of February, July, and October. †¢ End of COUN 667 Intensives booked consistently. Fall 2012 Exam Dates †¢ August 31st at 1:00 p. m. †¢ September seventh at 1:00 p. m. †¢ September fourteenth at 1:00 p. m. †¢ October twentieth at 8:00 a. m. Enlisting for the Exam counselingcompexam@liberty. edu †¢ Email from your Liberty email account †¢ Your Name †¢ Student ID †¢ Requested Test Date †¢ At least fourteen days ahead of time CPCE Off-Site Testing Send an email to counselingcompexam@liberty. edu for more data †¢ It might take up to a half year to 1 year to make sure about a site †¢ All off-site testing must be affirmed by CCE Testing Coordinator, Laura Hall †¢ The Integration Part won't be offered when you take the CPCE off-site. You should make sure about a delegate ODAS Office of Disability Academic Support †¢ LU Online Students: luoodas@liberty. edu †¢ Residential Students: wdmchane@liberty. edu Comp Exam Web Page †¢ www. freedom. edu †¢ Counseling in the internet searcher †¢ Click on the connection for â€Å"Counseling Official Page† †¢ Click on the â€Å"Comprehensive Exam† Link Questions? Step by step instructions to refer to Counseling Comprehensive Exam Counseling Comprehensive Exam, Essay models

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Behаviоrаl Explаnаtiоns Generаl Psychоlоgy

Shð ¾rtly Ð °fter purchð °sing persð ¾nð °l cð ¾mputer, my fð °ther stð °rted utilizing Internet Ð ¾n dð °ily bð °sis. Mð ¾reð ¾ver, he wð ¾uld go through evenings brð ¾wsing. Með °nwhile, my mð ¾m wð °s cð ¾mbining her cð ¾llege considers (tð ¾ get secð ¾nd educð °tið ¾n) with wð ¾rk Ð °nd wð ¾uld usuð °lly cð ¾me bð °ck hð ¾me tð ¾tð °lly cleaned Ð ¾ut. Therefð ¾re, she wð °s nð ¾t Ð °t first cð ¾ncerned with whð °t my fð °ther wð °s up tð ¾ during lð °te nighttimes Ð °nd evenings since all that she wð °nted tð ¾ dð ¾ wð °s tð ¾ bounce tð ¾ bed Ð °s sð ¾Ã° ¾n Ð °s pð ¾ssible Ð °nd fð °ll Ð °sleep. Hð ¾wever, lð °ter Ð ¾n everything chð °nged. She nð ¾ticed thð °t her husbð °nd wð ¾uld cð ¾me bð °ck hð ¾me lð °te Ð °nd even stð °rted going through evenings Ð ¾n the Ð ¾ffice sÐ ¾fÐ °.In Ð ° few dð °ys she sð °w him getting up Ð °nd quietly turning Ð ¾n his hð ¾me cð ¾mputer in the center Ð ¾f the nigh t. Since they hð °ve Ð °lreð °dy been mð °rried fð ¾r 15 yeð °rs she Ð °t first cð ¾nsidered it Ð °n Ð ¾n-line Ð °ddictið ¾n thð °t hð °s Ð °lreð °dy been Ð ¾n the Ð °gendð ° in mð °ny fð °milies. Hð ¾wever, she wð °s certð °in her husbð °nd cð ¾uld nð ¾t surf news destinations Ð °ll evenings lð ¾ng. Ð fter hð °ving checked Ð °ll Ð ¾f his pð ¾ckets Ð °nd bð °gs, she fð ¾und Ð °n Ð °nswer in his e-mð °il bð ¾x which prð ¾vided her with the proof Ð ¾f Ð °n Ð ¾n-line lð ¾ve Ð °ffð °ir with Ð ° yð ¾ung lð °dy frð ¾m Ð °nð ¾ther pð °rt Ð ¾f the wÐ ¾rld.In Ð ° very shð ¾rt while she hð °s documented fð ¾r divð ¾rce withð ¾ut hð °ving Ð °ny hesitð °tið ¾ns Ð ¾r laments. In view of indicð °ted Ð °bð ¾ve mð °terið °l we mð °y stð °te thð °t the prð ¾blem is cleð °rly Ð °ssð ¾cið °ted with Ð ¾n-line cheð °ting Ð °nd behð °við ¾r which it cð °uses. Hð ¾wever, the questið ¾n is: cð °n digital intimð °te relð °tið ¾nships be still cð ¾nsidered Ð °s cheð °ting? Vð °st mð °jð ¾rity Ð ¾f psychð ¾lð ¾gists clð °im Ð °lthð ¾ugh Ð °dultery Ð °nd cheð °ting typicð °lly hð °ve physicð °l cð ¾nsequences, they Ð °ll rise in humð °n minds Ð °nd hð °ve direct cð ¾nnectið ¾n with nervð ¾us system.TherefÐ ¾re, Ð ¾nline lð ¾ve Ð °ffð °ir is nð ¾thing however cheð °ting reð °l-life pð °rtners thð ¾ugh fð ¾r thð ¾se whð ¾ Ð °re invð ¾lved in it, it is mð ¾re Ð ¾f Ð °n entertð °inment thð °n serið ¾us issue. They see it Ð °s unhð °rmful Ð °nd sð °fe wð °y tð ¾ cð °rry Ð ¾ut their fð °ntð °sies. CОNCEPT IDENTIFICÐ TIОN. Tð ¾ investigð °te the issue I chose twð ¾ nð ¾tið ¾ns Ð ¾f generð °l psychð ¾lð ¾gy: hð °bituð °tið ¾n Ð °nd the theð ¾ry Ð ¾f mind (TОM). Ð s humð °n creatures, we get utilized tð ¾ things. Sð ¾mething thð °t is new Ð °nd staggeringly energizing cð °n becð ¾me tedið ¾us. This pattern tð ¾ hð °ve declining respð ¾nsiveness tð ¾ sð ¾mething is cð °lled hð °bituð °tið ¾n (yð ¾u may Ð °lsð ¾ heð °r sð ¾með ¾ne sð °y thð °t yð ¾u get hð °bituð °ted tð ¾ sÐ ¾mething).FÐ ¾r instð °nce, there mð °y be Ð ° picture yð ¾u reð °lly like sð ¾ yð ¾u put it Ð ¾n the wð °ll in yð ¾ur rð ¾Ã° ¾m. Yð ¾u see this image each dð °y, multiple times Ð ° dð °y. Оver time Ð °nd repeð °ted expð ¾sures tð ¾ this image yð ¾u may stð °rt feeling like yð ¾u've â€Å"seen it Ð ° millið ¾n times† Ð °nd it just dð ¾esn’t hð °ve the sð °me impact Ð ¾n yð ¾u. This is hð °bituð °tið ¾n. The fð ¾undð °tið ¾nð °l ideð ° fð ¾r hð °bituð °tið ¾n contemplates is thð °t Ð ¾nce peð ¾ple hð °ve been becð ¾me sð ¾ thð ¾rð ¾ughly fð °milið °r with Ð ° boost thð °t they nð ¾ lð ¾nger pð °y Ð °ttentið ¾n tð ¾ it, their Ð °ttentið ¾n will recð ¾ver if Ð ° upgrade thð °t they recð ¾gnize Ð °s distinctive is prese nted.In this prð ¾cedure, during the initið °l, hð °bituð °tið ¾n phð °se, the infð °nt sits Ð ¾n the pð °rent’s lð °p fð °cing Ð ° mð ¾nitð ¾r Ð ¾n which he/she sees Ð ° visuð °l imð °ge Ð ¾f sð ¾me sð ¾rt while listening tð ¾ Ð ° sð ¾und. The experimenter recð ¾rds Ð ¾n Ð °n externð °l cð ¾mputer hð ¾w lð ¾ng the infð °nt lð ¾Ã° ¾ks Ð °t the mð ¾nitð ¾r while listening tð ¾ the sð ¾und. The theð ¾ry Ð ¾f mind is sð ¾mething thð °t Ð °ll peð ¾ple must develð ¾p in Ð ¾rder tð ¾ understð °nd the psyches Ð ¾f Ð ¾ther peð ¾ple. We cð °ll it Ð ° theð ¾ry becð °use we cð °n never Ð °ctuð °lly cð ¾nnect with Ð °nð ¾ther's brain. There is nð ¾ Ð ¾bjective wð °y tð ¾ check the cð ¾ntents Ð ¾f their cð ¾nscið ¾usness Ð ¾r tð ¾ Ð °ssess their mð ¾tivð °tið ¾ns Ð °nd desires.InsteÐ °d, when we interð °ct with Ð ¾ther peð ¾ple we cð °n Ð ¾nly surmise Ð °t these things, utilizing Ð ¾ur TОM tð ¾ wð ¾rk Ð ¾ut whð °t they knð ¾w, think Ð ¾r feel. It appears reð °sð ¾nð °ble tð ¾ accept thð °t peð ¾ple cð °nnð ¾t understð °nd the wants Ð ¾r emð ¾tið ¾ns Ð ¾f Ð ¾thers except if they Ð °re Ð °wð °re Ð ¾f their Ð ¾wn, Ð °nd it certð °inly appears tð ¾ be genuine thð °t TОM develð ¾ps Ð °lð ¾ngside self-Ð °wð °reness (the develð ¾pment Ð ¾f self is cð ¾vered in Ð ° sepð °rð °te address). To start with, kids leð °rn tð ¾ recð ¾gnize themselves (frð ¾m Ð °rð ¾und 18 mð ¾nths), at that point tð ¾ express their emð ¾tið ¾nð °l stð °tes (frð ¾m Ð °bð ¾ut twð ¾ yeð °rs). At that point, they should mð °ke the contrast between self Ð °nd Ð ¾ther.EXPLÐ NÐ TIОN. The reð °sð ¾n why my fð °ther wð °s behð °ving in this pð °rticulð °r wð °s becð °use during Ð °ll Ð ¾f these yeð °rs Ð ¾f mð °rrið °ge he hð °s prð ¾bð °bly Ð °lreð °dy gð ¾t utilized tð ¾ my mð ¾ther Ð °nd wð °s lð ¾Ã° ¾king fð ¾r sð ¾me Ð ¾ther new emð ¾tið ¾ns. This dð ¾es nð ¾t með °n thð ¾ugh thð °t he wð °nted tð ¾ turn his Ð ¾n-line Ð °ffð °ir intð ¾ sð ¾me lð ¾ng-term relð °tið ¾nships. Mð ¾re likely, it wð ¾uld grð °duð °lly slð ¾w dð ¾wn becð °use Ð ¾f the sð °me hð °bituð °tið ¾n which wð ¾uld nð ¾t appear sð ¾ energizing Ð °nymð ¾re. Með °nwhile, my mð ¾ther here wð °s suppð ¾sed tð ¾ allude tð ¾ the theð ¾ry Ð ¾f mind Ð °nd attempt tð ¾ understð °nd my fð °ther Ð ¾r dð ¾ sð ¾mething thð °t wð ¾uld turn him Ð °wð °y frð ¾m his Ð ¾nline Ð °ddictiÐ ¾n.CÐ ¾nsequently, she wð ¾uld be Ð °ble tð ¾ cð ¾rrectly respð ¾nd Ð ¾n this situð °tið ¾n Ð °nd Ð °vð ¾id their sepð °rð °tið ¾n. Ð ccð ¾rding tð ¾ the theð ¾ry Ð ¾f mind, peð ¾ple shð ¾uld first explð ¾re themselves Ð °nd then attempt tð ¾ see Ð ¾thers. Ð s Ð ° result, this perceptið ¾n wð ¾uld becð ¾me mð ¾re Ð °ccurð °te Ð °nd exact. This will Ð °llð ¾w them tð ¾ m ð °ke better decisið ¾ns Ð °nd assemble more promising time to come tð ¾gether. Generð °l psychð ¾lð ¾gy enð °bles us tð ¾ hð °ve Ð ° better knowledge Ð ¾f emotions, emð ¾tið ¾ns, Ð °nd thð ¾ughts which we experience Ð ¾n hð ¾urly bð °sis. In cð °se mentið ¾ned Ð °bð ¾ve hð °bituð °tið ¾n is Ð ° prð ¾blemð °tic issue while the theð ¾ry Ð ¾f mind appears tð ¾ be Ð ¾ne Ð ¾f the wð °ys Ð ¾ut. Behð °við ¾rð °l Explð °nð °tið ¾ns Generð °l Psychð ¾lð ¾gy Shð ¾rtly Ð °fter purchð °sing persð ¾nð °l cð ¾mputer, my fð °ther stð °rted utilizing Internet Ð ¾n dð °ily bð °sis. Mð ¾reð ¾ver, he wð ¾uld go through evenings brð ¾wsing. Með °nwhile, my mð ¾m wð °s cð ¾mbining her cð ¾llege examines (tð ¾ get secð ¾nd educð °tið ¾n) with wð ¾rk Ð °nd wð ¾uld usuð °lly cð ¾me bð °ck hð ¾me tð ¾tð °lly cleaned Ð ¾ut. Therefð ¾re, she wð °s nð ¾t Ð °t first cð ¾ncerned with whð °t my fð °ther wð °s up tð ¾ during lð °te nighttimes Ð °nd evenings since all that she wð °nted tð ¾ dð ¾ wð °s tð ¾ hop tð ¾ bed Ð °s sð ¾Ã° ¾n Ð °s pð ¾ssible Ð °nd fð °ll Ð °sleep.HÐ ¾wever, lð °ter Ð ¾n everything chð °nged. She nð ¾ticed thð °t her husbð °nd wð ¾uld cð ¾me bð °ck hð ¾me lð °te Ð °nd even stð °rted going through evenings Ð ¾n the Ð ¾ffice sÐ ¾fÐ °.In Ð ° few dð °ys she sð °w him getting up Ð °nd quietly turning Ð ¾n his hð ¾me cð ¾mputer in the center Ð ¾f the night. Si nce they hð °ve Ð °lreð °dy been mð °rried fð ¾r 15 yeð °rs she Ð °t first cð ¾nsidered it Ð °n Ð ¾n-line Ð °ddictið ¾n thð °t hð °s Ð °lreð °dy been Ð ¾n the Ð °gendð ° in mð °ny fð °milies. Hð ¾wever, she wð °s certð °in her husbð °nd cð ¾uld nð ¾t surf news locales Ð °ll evenings lð ¾ng. Ð fter hð °ving checked Ð °ll Ð ¾f his pð ¾ckets Ð °nd bð °gs, she fð ¾und Ð °n Ð °nswer in his e-mð °il bð ¾x which prð ¾vided her with the proof Ð ¾f Ð °n Ð ¾n-line lð ¾ve Ð °ffð °ir with Ð ° yð ¾ung lð °dy frð ¾m Ð °nð ¾ther pð °rt Ð ¾f the wÐ ¾rld.In Ð ° very shð ¾rt while she hð °s recorded fð ¾r divð ¾rce withð ¾ut hð °ving Ð °ny hesitð °tið ¾ns Ð ¾r laments. In view of indicð °ted Ð °bð ¾ve mð °terið °l we mð °y stð °te thð °t the prð ¾blem is cleð °rly Ð °ssð ¾cið °ted with Ð ¾n-line cheð °ting Ð °nd behð °við ¾r which it cð °uses. Hð ¾wever, the questið ¾n is: cð °n digital intimð °te relð °tið ¾nships be still cð ¾nsidered Ð °s cheð °ting? Vð °st mð °jð ¾rity Ð ¾f psychð ¾lð ¾gists clð °im Ð °lthð ¾ugh Ð °dultery Ð °nd cheð °ting typicð °lly hð °ve physicð °l cð ¾nsequences, they Ð °ll develop in humð °n minds Ð °nd hð °ve direct cð ¾nnectið ¾n with nervð ¾us system.TherefÐ ¾re, Ð ¾nline lð ¾ve Ð °ffð °ir is nð ¾thing yet cheð °ting reð °l-life pð °rtners thð ¾ugh fð ¾r thð ¾se whð ¾ Ð °re invð ¾lved in it, it is mð ¾re Ð ¾f Ð °n entertð °inment thð °n serið ¾us issue. They see it Ð °s unhð °rmful Ð °nd sð °fe wð °y tð ¾ cð °rry Ð ¾ut their fð °ntð °sies. CОNCEPT IDENTIFICÐ TI

Thursday, July 23, 2020

If You Havent Read These Short Stories, You Should

If You Havent Read These Short Stories, You Should Recently, the literary world has had good reason to become interested in short stories again. The Rogues anthology includes some great stories by George R.R. Martin, Neil Gaiman, Garth Nix and other literary greats meant to hold us over until Martin releases The Winds of Winter. This post wont harp on about those, because every blog on the face of the planet has tread that ground. The anthology is a reminder however, of short stories which have endured the test of time. These are some of the short stories that grab and dont let go, despite their age.The Swimmer, John Cheever (1968)The Swimmer is a masterclass in using language to convey a sensation, and an excellent introduction to surrealism. Though the initial events of the story are grounded in realityâ€"a man in his prime taking it upon himself to journey home by swimming through all of the pools of his wealthy neighbors propertiesâ€"it soon becomes a less literal experience. This work deals with class and social hierarchy, but t hose are the boring bits. The real meat is in Cheevers use of language to demonstrate the link between the primary ideas of his work. The concepts of alcoholism, swimming, wealth, and loss each blur into one another until it is unclear where one idea begins and the other ends. Read the swimmer slowly, and with an eye to the language used, and it wont disappoint.The concepts of alcoholism, swimming, wealth, and loss each blur into one another in Cheevers The Swimmer. Photo by Guduru Ajay bhargav from Pexels.The Yellow Wallpaper, Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1892)The Yellow Wallpaper is likewise, an introduction. This story is one of the earliest works of American feminist literature, and is written in the first person. This is a darker story, and can feel a bit stifling to read, but has been widely adapted to the stage. A performance often feels much more light-hearted than the brooding tone of the story, while conveying the deeper themes of the work undiluted. Suffice to say that this is an early discovery of feminist issues, written by a woman, from a womans perspective. It is especially concerned with the treatment of women by doctors, and by the men in their lives; and with the relationship between infants and their parents (both father and mother). A tense and sometimes horrifying narrative, The Yellow Wallpaper is worth the stress of reading it, and downright enjoyable on the stage.The Wendigo, Algernon Blackwood (1910)The Wendigo is a special type of horror which captures the sense and grandeur of the Canadian and American frontiers. Drawing inspiration from the myth of the Wendigoâ€"a creature said to always feel hungry, and thus gorge itself unendinglyâ€"this story is slow to start, but offers a fully realized and captured sense of the loneliness and desolation of the wilderness, alongside the tensions which encourage belief in the supernatural. Readers who weather the introduction, and who appreciate the tension of the environment and the severe costs of decisions in the wilderness, will be rewarded with a supernatural and surreal tale about what it means to be lost in the woods. This is a must-read for any Canadian or American who has found themselves beneath the snow-covered boughs of a forest in winter.The Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad (1899)The Heart of Darkness is a must-read, just as the movie it inspiredâ€"Apocalypse Nowâ€"might be considered a must-watch. The reason I suggest reading Joseph Conrad however, is not as a dry lesson in colonialism, but because like The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Heart of Darkness is a tale about how the journey changes the destination. Joseph Conrads contribution to literature, and his tale of men set off down a river, is so iconic that it is impossible not to see the reflection of certain scenes in other worksâ€"The Life of Pi, for instance, borrows Conrads imagery of encountering a tiger; and the recent film The Lost City of Z likewise draws strongly on the narrative tropes of the journey into the unknown genre. For this reason, Conrads work cannot be overlooked, despite recent scholarly assertions that its depictions of colonialism have not aged well.The Black Cat, Edgar Allan Poe (1843)The Black Cat, sticks out as one of the greatest uses of an unreliable narrator in fictionâ€"that is, the character telling the story has reason to avoid telling the whole truth. This story is ostensibly horrific, but is the kind of horror which creates dread rather than fear or disgust. It is written from the perspective of a condemned man, of arguable sanity, and follows the chain of events leading up to that characters crime and subsequent sentence to hang. What makes this story worth reading is the vivid descriptions of the narrators actions, which lead a reader to believe in the validity of the actions, despite ample reason to doubt that characters claims. Couple this with the symbolism throughout the short story, and a dark conclusion, and The Black Cat stands out as a special type of brooding horror, perfect for reading by candlelight. Of course, Poe is famous for stories like this, and those who enjoy The Black Cat should also read The Purloined Letter.The Magic Shop, H. G. Wells (1903)Stories like The Magic Shop, are astounding in their quickness. A very light read, this story will remind Harry Potter fans of the room of requirement. It is also an example of a short story which creates a world in your mind, building the size, and shape, and occupants of the eponymous magic shop until they stick out vividly in your mind. This story captures the sense of wonder present in a child watching a display of magic, and twists it ever so slightly so that undercurrents of danger lurk. For the scholarly minded, the story paints an interesting picture of masculine parenthood in the late 1800s.The Gift of the Magi, O. Henry (1905)This story is a classic; and even if few remember its name, almost everyone has heard it told (and retold). The Gift of the Magi is important because it demonstrates the inherent value in self-sacrifice, and because it is one of the few short stories that is neither horror, nor suspenseful; but which builds a narrative in the span of less than three pages, and delivers an ending which reveals a magnificent amount about both characters in the tale, and about love in general. Of the stories here, this is one of the shortest, and is also the most likely to be enjoyed by any reader, whether for the first time, or as it sparks their memory of having read itâ€"or heard it toldâ€"in the past.Beyond the Door, Philip K. Dick (1954)Beyond the Door is an exercise in weirdness and will leave the reader unresolved. A departure from Philip K. Dicks normally light tone, and from his normally science-fiction works. This is the amusing, strange, and violent tale of a cuckoo clock and adultery. A very quick read, Beyond the Door is recommended here because it is hard to make heads or tails of, and it certainly tells a unique t ale about marriage and how relationships can fall apart when viewed differently from each side.The Bet, Anton P. Chekhov (1889)The Bet is another, like Beyond the Door, which may leave readers unresolved. It is a short, short story discussing the virtues of morality and wealth, via the narrative device of a bet between two men regarding which is the greater punishment: death, or life imprisonment. Each character involved in the betâ€"a lawyer and a bankerâ€"are flawed, and so the outcome is ambiguous in some ways, but poses questions about what was sacrificed during the bet, and why each character lost gained wealth or morality by having made the bet. The bet itself is meaningful, rather than simply the outcome.Chekhovs The Bet is a short, short story discussing the virtues of morality and wealth. Photo by Thgusstavo Santana from Pexels.Araby, James Joyce (1914)Araby is perhaps another must-read piece, especially because it deals with the conflict between imagined or ideal circumsta nces, and reality. It is interesting because of the way children, particularly the child whose point of view the story is written from, are described. Often, characters are light, or glowing, or otherwise magical. This attribute is given to children, despite the environment they are being raised in, which is grim. As the story progresses, the idea that children are ideal is tarnished, and the outcome of the story can be interpreted in a number of ways. We might conclude that a journey to the Araby bazaar is a journey into adulthood and that the change in the protagonists perspective is one created by a coming of age; or else we can view all of the romantic ideals at the outset of the story as simply a falsehood or façade, which was never truly indicative of what the boy was experiencing. In either case, Araby will likely leave a hole in your heart, and make you think about who you were when you were youngâ€"and of course, that means you should read it.To concludeThe stories here ar e classics, but also powerful. Most of them are quite short, and great for a bite-sized piece of literary snack while we wait for George R. R. Martin to finish his next full-sized novel; or just so we remember some of the short stories which have helped shape the stories being told now. Its always good to know where stories come from, and how they change.

Friday, May 22, 2020

What Is Liberal Arts Definition and Examples

Liberal arts is a field of study based on rational thinking, and it includes the areas of humanities, social and physical sciences, and mathematics. A liberal arts education emphasizes the development of critical thinking and analytical skills, the ability to solve complex problems, and an understanding of ethics and morality, as well as a desire to continue to learn. Liberal arts are increasingly important in the diversified job market, with employers choosing to hire liberal arts majors because of their ability to handle complex situations and solve problems with ease.   Key Takeaways: Liberal Arts Definition A liberal arts education emphasizes rational thought and aims to develop robust critical thinking and analytical skills, problem solving abilities, and a strong moral compass.Fields of study include humanities, social sciences, physical sciences, and mathematics.The key element in defining liberal arts is the intent to combine practical, concrete information, like data and statistics, with theoretical knowledge, like ethics and philosophy.Mathematics and science can also be considered liberal arts. The element that determines a liberal arts education is not necessarily the major, but rather the institution. Liberal arts colleges provide students with education in both intellectual and practical skills. Liberal Arts Definition Liberal arts are commonly misunderstood as â€Å"soft† subjects that lack supporting numbers or data. While the liberal arts definition does include humanities and soft sciences, it also encompasses physical sciences and mathematics. The key element in defining liberal arts is the intent to combine practical, concrete information, like data and statistics, with theoretical knowledge, like ethics and philosophy. This kind of learning produces well-rounded students with strong critical thinking and analytical skills, and the ability to adapt and work well in various fields of study. Though the world’s greatest Greek and Roman thinkers—think Plato, Hippocrates, Aristotle—pioneered  the liberal arts more than a millennium ago, contemporary universities include general education requirements that supplement subject-specific course because the purpose of the modern university is to provide a combination of practical and intellectual training. Liberals arts can be found at a wide range of colleges and universities, though some institutions place a stronger emphasis on the discipline than others. Some institutions filter out the liberal arts completely, focusing instead on career-oriented skill acquisition. Below are the different types of institutions and how they relate to the liberal arts. Public and Private Colleges feature a robust curriculum with a handful of general education requirements, including liberal arts and interdisciplinary subjects. For example, business majors may be required to complete courses on ethics, history, or language, which are intended to influence the way they understand their career-oriented courses.For-Profit Colleges are privately owned institutions that facilitate career-specific training, usually in culinary arts, healthcare, and business. The focus is entirely on practical training, so liberal arts are not included in the curriculum.Community Colleges offer two-year programs that lead to an associates degree. They are frequently used as stepping stones toward a bachelors degree, so students will complete their general education (and liberal arts) studies before going on to a larger university.Vocational/Technical/Trade Colleges are institutions that give students career-specific training in one field, and they do not include liberals a rts within the curriculum, similar to for-profit institutions.Liberal Arts Colleges, as the name suggests, are institutions that focus heavily on providing a strong liberal arts education to all students in all fields. Usually, these are private, four-year colleges that tend to be more expensive than other institutions. Common courses include history, language, mathematics, science, and philosophy. Liberal Arts Majors and Examples The Cartesian Coordinate System, developed by Renaissance thinker Renà © Descartes, is a direct product of liberal arts. Tom Werner / Getty Images There are several branches of liberal arts majors, including humanities, social sciences, physical sciences, and mathematics. While attending higher education, students can select majors that fall under any of these categories.   Humanities  are academic subjects that focus on human culture. These majors include English, Creative Writing, Linguistics, language acquisition (Spanish, Greek, Mandarin), History, Literature and Composition, and Geography.  Social Sciences are focused specifically on human society and interpersonal relationships. They feature elements of hard science, including data and statistical analysis, and they use the scientific method to reach conclusions. Social science majors include Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, Political Science, and Economics.Physical Science and Mathematics  can be included within the definition of liberal arts if the curriculum seeks to combine practical and philosophical knowledge. This combination can be found in general education requirements in many state schools as well as at liberal arts-focused colleges. Physical science and math majors include Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Physics, Geophysics, and Mathematics (broadly, usually encompass ing algebra, geometry, calculus, and so on).Liberal Arts Teaching Methods are often used in classroom settings to encourage group participation and discussion, regardless of whether or not the material is considered a liberal art. For example, the Socratic Method is a type of teaching in which students present and defend arguments and teachers talk very little, acting as arbiters of the conversation. The purpose of this method is to develop critical and analytical thinking skills across disciplines. Best Liberal Arts Colleges The element that determines a liberal arts education is not necessarily the major, but rather the institution.   Tom Merton / Getty Images   Liberal arts colleges tend to be small, private institutions with low teacher-to-student ratios, and especially in the United States, much higher price tags than other four-year colleges and universities. However, they rarely teach single-minded expertise on one subject and often feature robust general education requirements. This higher education model provides students with a well-rounded education and a strong moral compass. Successful liberal arts institutions should produce students well-trained in soft and hard sciences, mathematics, and humanities, making the price worthwhile. According to data from Forbes, the Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education, and US News and World Report, the following schools are consistently ranked as the best liberal arts colleges in the United States:   Williams College (Berkshires, Massachusetts): Williams College requires students to take three courses in three different fields of study: arts and humanities, social sciences, and science and mathematics. There are no required courses, but all students must demonstrate strong skills in writing, reasoning, and mathematics before earning a degree. Williams is one of the highest producers of both Fulbright and Rhodes Scholars.Amherst College (Amherst, Massachusetts): Amherst College features an open course plan, which allows students to choose the courses they are most interested in. Amherst has no required core curriculum. Students can choose between 40 majors, or they can design their own major.Swarthmore College (Swarthmore, Pennsylvania): Swarthmore is based on a Quaker tradition, emphasizing strong relationships between teachers, students, peers, and the environment. At 8:1, the student-to-teacher ratio is low, and Swarthmore is one of the top producers of Fulbright Scholars in th e U.S. Swarthmore offers an engineering degree, unlike most liberal arts colleges.Pomona College (Claremont, California): Just an hour away from Los Angeles, Claremont College offers 48 different majors and over 600 courses, with a low 8:1 student-to-teacher ratio. Claremont offers admission to all students regardless of their ability to pay tuition and offers complete financial aid to meet the demonstrated need of every admitted student.Bowdoin College (Brunswick, Maine): Bowdoin College focuses on need-blind admissions, diversity, and social responsibility while fostering independent thought. More than half of Bowdoin students complete additional honors and summer coursework, and a majority of students produce robust independent research before graduating.Wellesley College (Wellesley, Massachusetts): Widely considered to be the top womens college in the country, Wellesley College features a strong list of alumni, including former Secretaries of State Madeleine Albright and Hillary Rodham Clinton. More than 70 percent of all students participate in internships during their studies and more than half study abroad.Bates College (Lewiston, Maine): Bates College requires first-year freshman to take an orientation course together during the first semester to develop a strong foundation of scholarship and community. The low student-to-teacher ratio emphasizes this foundation, as does the strong sense of community outreach and annual volunteer efforts. In 2017, the college was ranked number one for Fulbright recipients.Davidson College (Davidson, North Carolina): Located just north of Charlotte, Davidson College has produced 23 Rhodes Scholars and 86 Fulbright Scholars. More than 80 percent of the student body study or work abroad during their tenure and just under 25 percent of students also participate in athletics.Wesleyan University (Middletown, Connecticut): Wesleyan provides students with the option of open curriculum, where they determine the courses they are most interested in taking, as well as pre-planned majors with emphasis on interdisciplinary studies, in true liberal arts fashion. The university also offers need-blind admission and features a low 8:1 student-to-teacher ratio.Smith College (Northhampton, Massachusetts): As an all womens college, Smith stands out by consistently ranking among the best liberal arts colleges in the U.S. It offers nearly 1.000 courses in 50 different fields of study and sends half of its student to study abroad annually. It is ranked every year as one of the highest producers of Fulbright Scholars. Sources Sanders, Matthew. Becoming a Learner: Realizing the Opportunity of Education. Institution for Communication Leadership, 2012. Tachikawa, Akira. â€Å"Development of Liberal Arts Education and Colleges: Historical and Global Perspectives.† Liberal Arts Education and Colleges in East Asia. Singapore: Springer, 2016. 13–25.Zakaria, Fareed. In Defense of a Liberal Education. W. W. Norton Company, 2015.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Interview Questions and Answers Free Essays

How are you qualified for this position? I believe that I am qualified for this position because of my knowledge and skills within the networking and database fields. I have developed these skills through previous work experiences and also by completing my bachelor’s degree program in Network Communications Management. 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Interview Questions and Answers or any similar topic only for you Order Now What are your strengths? I have many strengths and skills that I have acquired through life experiences, job history, and from school. I think the major strengths that I have acquired are loyalty, dedicated work ethic, and patience. 3. What are your weaknesses? The current weakness or challenges I face in a work environment is my kindness. Sometimes people can take advantage of a person who Is too kind, which can be difficult in a work environment. I am working on resolving this problem by identifying those who are trying to take advantage of me and resolving the issue by confronting them. 4. What are your short-term goals? The most Important short-term goal right now Is to establish a great work environment where I received employment. I also want to be sure I am exceeding expectations in order to receive great responsibility and growth within the company. 5. What are your long-term goals? My long term goal is to continue to expand my knowledge in the database and networking fields. I would like to be at a place where I am able to manage and train other coworkers in order to help grow my company. 6. What can you contribute to this company? I can contribute all of the skills I have learned In my previous database and networking environments. Also, I will be sure that my work, projects, and assignments re all done professionally and in a timely matter. 7. Why are you interested In working for our firm? I am interested in growing my experiences and knowledge in the database and networking fields. I feel that this company will help nourish my skills and keep myself actively learning new technologies. 8. Why are you applying for this position? I am applying tort this position because I know that I nave what I t takes to get the work required completed. I will also be able to contribute the skills I have learned in the database and networking fields. How to cite Interview Questions and Answers, Papers

Interview Questions and Answers Free Essays

How are you qualified for this position? I believe that I am qualified for this position because of my knowledge and skills within the networking and database fields. I have developed these skills through previous work experiences and also by completing my bachelor’s degree program in Network Communications Management. 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Interview Questions and Answers or any similar topic only for you Order Now What are your strengths? I have many strengths and skills that I have acquired through life experiences, job history, and from school. I think the major strengths that I have acquired are loyalty, dedicated work ethic, and patience. 3. What are your weaknesses? The current weakness or challenges I face in a work environment is my kindness. Sometimes people can take advantage of a person who Is too kind, which can be difficult in a work environment. I am working on resolving this problem by identifying those who are trying to take advantage of me and resolving the issue by confronting them. 4. What are your short-term goals? The most Important short-term goal right now Is to establish a great work environment where I received employment. I also want to be sure I am exceeding expectations in order to receive great responsibility and growth within the company. 5. What are your long-term goals? My long term goal is to continue to expand my knowledge in the database and networking fields. I would like to be at a place where I am able to manage and train other coworkers in order to help grow my company. 6. What can you contribute to this company? I can contribute all of the skills I have learned In my previous database and networking environments. Also, I will be sure that my work, projects, and assignments re all done professionally and in a timely matter. 7. Why are you interested In working for our firm? I am interested in growing my experiences and knowledge in the database and networking fields. I feel that this company will help nourish my skills and keep myself actively learning new technologies. 8. Why are you applying for this position? I am applying tort this position because I know that I nave what I t takes to get the work required completed. I will also be able to contribute the skills I have learned in the database and networking fields. How to cite Interview Questions and Answers, Papers

Monday, April 27, 2020

Naomi Kleins No Logo An analytical critique free essay sample

An examination of the validity of Naomi Kleins book, `No Logo` as it applies to the post-Fordian word. This paper is about the underlying themes of Naomi Kleins best-selling No Logo (2000), the book that became a movement, a passionate anti-globalization manifesto. The paper looks at the underlying themes of Fordism and post-Fordism, consumer culture and globalization, and analyzes Kleins arguments while drawing on a variety of sources, both literary, William Gibson, Aldous Huxley and George Orwell, and academic /*Kennedy Cohen plus contrasting Kleins socialist agenda with libertarian principles. In No Logo, Naomi Klein analyzes the effects of modern advertising on Western society and culture in the late 90s. She argues, for the most part, against its far-reaching effects on everyday life, as well as on the ethical issues associated with the move to a post-Fordist society, where production takes place in third world countries under what is, in effect, 19th century conditions. We will write a custom essay sample on Naomi Kleins No Logo: An analytical critique or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page